Staff Mobile App

‘Nightingale Companion’ is a simple and easy to use mobile app for your staff in the field. Functionality includes client and roster information at the push of a button, Clock-in and out of shifts with geo-location, case notes submission and dictation with a view to previous history as well as notifications for roster updates and shift bidding anytime, anywhere.

View Clients &

Your staff receive essential information tailored to their needs, enabling them to provide top-notch care to your clients. They have access to client profiles, upcoming schedules, and a daily appointments overview. This ensures they are well-informed about their locations, timings, and tasks, optimising their efficiency.

Attend Appointments

This innovative system allows staff members to effortlessly mark their appointments as ‘attended’ by simply pressing a button. Not only does this streamline the process, but it also records the precise time and location of each marked attendance. This recorded data is invaluable for management review and audit purposes, providing a comprehensive overview of staff activities. The efficiency and accuracy of this system enhance accountability and transparency within your organisation, ultimately contributing to improved operational effectiveness.

Add Travel

Recording travel is a breeze with the option to use Nightingale’s Google Maps calculated time and distance feature to automatically provide the travel data, or you can you’re your staff manually enter travel time and kilometres (or start and stop odometer readings) against each appointment.

Submit Case Notes & Forms

Case Notes and forms can be typed or dictated, and management can control the views of previous case note history. You can restrict which form types you want available in the mobile app to keep things simple for your support workers to navigate.

Notifications & Alerts

Trigger global or client specific alerts and pop-ups to make sure your staff never miss critical information. Add in push notifications for roster changes and shifts available for staff to bid for and you’ve got a powerful system of communication right at the fingertips of your staff, wherever they are in the field.

Mobile Staff

Staff can submit their availability, leave applications (coming soon), and competency/qualification renewals (coming soon) all via the app so they can do everything they need on the go.

Built for businesses, small and large

Our constantly growing feature set is sure to solve your organizations pain points. Click on the links to explore more

Funding Managment

Instantly update teams and families on client progress.


Instantly update teams and families on client progress.

Custom Forms

Instantly update teams and families on client progress.

Ready to see a demo?

One of our team is ready to show you through the entire system to make sure Nightingale is a great fit for you.