Client Management
Streamline Personal Details, Funding, Customisation, Communication, and Progress Tracking with Nightingale

Client Dashboards & Profiles
Nightingale enables all your client’s details and information to be conveniently consolidated in a single accessible location.
The client’s dashboard comprises personal details (address, email address, NDIS number, date of birth, client types) as well as funding status, client activity, and alerts.
Nightingale also has a Client Profiles feature which has real-time funding graphs. These graphs provide detailed updates on an individual’s services, expenditures, future allocations, remaining funds, and more. They play a vital role in tracking financial information and can be seamlessly integrated into the Nightingale API.
In specific scenarios, data from PRODA can be extracted and imported into Nightingale, enhancing the utility of these funding graphs. While these graphs primarily aid in monitoring spending data, some information can be also be extracted from them for use elsewhere.
These funding graphs are versatile and not limited to NDIS funding alone. They can be activated for any budget-related purpose, allowing direct budget tracking on a dashboard. This feature is highly impactful for organisations as it provides essential insights into financial matters.

Custom Forms &
Case Notes
Custom forms and case notes offer powerful customisation options and can be tailored specifically to each client. These tools enable your staff to comprehensively document all necessary information and activities.
Nightingale provides user-friendly Custom Forms and Case Note builders, allowing you to personalise form templates to suit your unique requirements. These tools empower you to design forms that capture all the data you need, simplifying case management and data tracking. Whether you are gathering client details, logging case specifics, or monitoring outcomes, Nightingale’s Custom Forms and Case Note builders streamline the process of creating tailored forms.
File Management
Nightingale includes a dedicated file management feature for each client. This section allows for the storage of all pertinent documents, images, and other files associated with the client and the delivery of their services.

Client competencies &
This feature allows you to document and take into account the specific requirements that a participant/client may have. The focus of this feature is on outlining client requirements for potential collaborators and involves identifying the essential skills needed to effectively partner with the client.
Moreover, this feature considers the relationship between a client and a staff member. For example, Clients have the option to prefer staff members that share their language or interests – or they can exclude certain staff members. This information helps in scheduling a staff member who meets the client’s needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless experience for both the patient and the staff member.
Client Alerts
A robust client alert feature guarantees that all team members interacting with your clients receive timely notifications (and automated alerts) regarding critical or essential details. This ensures they are consistently equipped with the necessary information to serve that client.
Goals & Outcomes
In the Goals and Outcomes section, the client’s objectives are directly derived from NDIS requirements. Individuals set goals and outcomes they aim to accomplish.
Moreover, Nightingale analyses the goal and outcome data to track progress over time. This allows you to monitor whether the client is advancing effectively or facing challenges within a specific timeframe. To enhance integration, we introduced a custom case note component known as the goal report. This feature enables users to document their progress notes and compile their goal report simultaneously within a unified form.
The generated progress graphs serve various purposes, including being accessible through the client app for families to monitor progress over time.
Additionally, this function helps you meet regulatory requirements. Upon completion of an individual’s plan, the government funding agency typically requests extensive documentation regarding the individual’s progress over the past year. The goal report data forms a crucial part of this documentation. Since the government funding agency seeks to evaluate the individual’s progress to determine ongoing funding requirements, Users have the ability to export all goal report graphs and data for inclusion in their body of evidence for future plans.

Client Leave
Easily manage your clients’ schedules by placing them ‘on leave’ using Nightingale. This feature automatically adjusts statements and fees for healthcare providers based on client leave.
This functionality allows you to temporarily pause specific services. For instance, if a client is hospitalised for two weeks, you can effortlessly place them ‘on leave’, resulting in the removal of all appointments assigned to staff members scheduled to work with that client.
Moreover, you have the flexibility to choose which services should continue. For example, in the context of aged care, a client may be hospitalised for a month, but you may still want the gardener to maintain the client’s garden during this period. Therefore, you can pause certain services while keeping others active.
Additionally, Nightingale seamlessly integrates with the home care packages requirements – including future requirements re reporting.
Built for businesses, small and large
Our constantly growing feature set is sure to solve your organizations pain points. Click on the links to explore more
Funding Managment
Instantly update teams and families on client progress.
Instantly update teams and families on client progress.
Custom Forms
Instantly update teams and families on client progress.
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One of our team is ready to show you through the entire system to make sure Nightingale is a great fit for you.